Quality Control Chemist-Microbiology

Quality Control Chemist-Microbiology is responsible for various microbiological analysis of the raw material and finished products in the Quality Control Laboratory. The chemist helps contain the growth of microorganisms and ensure quality checks as per laid down methods and specifications.

Brief Job Description: :Quality Control Chemist- Microbiology is responsible for inspection of incoming materials, perform research work to support the development of new products, carry out housekeeping and carrying out reporting and documentation to meet quality standards.

Personal Attributes: The individual should have knowledge pertaining to functioning of quality control equipment like stability chambers and BOD incubators and adequate training for the competent performance of tests, operation of equipment and basic techniques, e.g. counting of colonies, plate pouring, serial dilutions, etc.

Job Details

Qualifications Pack Code LFS/Q0308
Job Role Quality Control Chemist-Microbiology
Credits(NSQF) TBD Version number 1.0
Industry Life Sciences Drafted on 22/12/14
Sub-sector Biopharmaceutical and Pharmaceutical Last reviewed on 23/12/15
Occupation Quality Next review date 01/04/17
NSQC Clearance on 20/07/2015

Job Role Quality Control Chemist-Microbiology
Role Description Responsible for various microbiological analysis of the raw material and finished products in the Quality Control Laboratory. The chemist helps contain the growth of microorganisms and ensure quality checks as per laid down methods and specifications.
NSQF level 5
Minimum Educational Qualifications B.Sc in a relevant subject such as biochemistry, biology, chemistry, immunology, biomedical science, biotechnology, microbiology (Preferable)
Maximum Educational Qualifications Doctorate in a relevant subject such as biochemistry, biology, chemistry, immunology, biomedical science, biotechnology, microbiology (Preferable)
Training(Suggested but not mandatory) On the job training
Minimum Job Entry Age 20 Years
Experience 0-2 years
Performance Criteria As described in the relevant NOS units